03 June, 2009

Voyage Rouge et Noir

Still on the theme of journeys/luggage/suits here, mainly due to the fact that I have had 'Vixen' Gene dressed in the 'Cherry Smash' suit for months on end (hope those red gloves have not stained!) and thought I'd take a photo before I changed her.

Much to my shame, I have never had the two sets of luggage (Paris Fashion Doll Festival Exclusives from 2000 and 2001 I think?) out of their boxes; they are really cool and very nicely made and happened to fit with the red and black theme.

'Vixen' Gene is wearing the complete 'Cherry Smash' suit and is carrying the luggage from the PFDF 2001. 'Color Deal' Ivy Jordan is wearing a white blouse and black pencil skirt by Tonner, shoes by Fashion Boulevard, houndstooth bag by Tonner, hat from Gene's 'Embassy Luncheon' outfit and the super-cute Scottie dog pin is by Fil Baldowski. Ivy is carrying the luggage from the PFDF 2000. The two dogs are Gene's beloved terriers, 'Dottie and Dashiel'.

They look pretty laden down - you'd think stars of their importance wouldn't have to carry their own bags would you?!

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