20 August, 2009

All About Venus

Since Gene was launched in 1995 there have been a lot of dolls and a lot of outfits - I am glad that Integrity do not overload us like AD started to do (the quality went down and the cost went up!).

At one time I used to buy a lot of Gene outfits (think the most Gene dolls I had was maybe 14) but I had lots and lots of outfits. I sold a lot that I never seemed to redress the dolls in but I still have a fair few to keep Gene and her chums happy!

This is one of the outfits that I always liked - it was originally on a dressed doll (Madra) and was one of the more expensive dolls at the time so I gave it a miss. Well my patience did pay off as I recently got this for a steal (£20!!) from a great seller in Oz and I have to say it was WELL worth the wait ... it is fabulous! The jewellery is great too and that cape is divine.

I am so loving 'Distant Venus' too - she reminds me of the old-style Gene but looks a lot more sophisticated (sorry to all old AD Gene lovers but I think the Wu Gene's just knock spots off the AD Genes - the facepaints are far, far nicer IMO and that is before we start on the clothing and articulation!)

'Distant Venus' Gene (hair restyled by Doll-Scum) is modelling the AD 'All About Eve' outfit. I swapped out the original ivory gloves for the gloves from 'Gold Sensation'. Ivory satin and diamante evening bag by Doll-Scum.

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